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Hillary Stiff Speaking At HostingCon 2011

Hillary will be speaking at HostingCon 2011 (www.hostingcon.com) in San Diego.

Her panel, "How the Big Buyers Look At Acquisitions", is on Tuesday, August 9th at 3pm.

This is a unique panel comprised of some of the top hosters talking frankly about how they look at acquisitions. The panelists take a down to earth look at many parts of the acquisition process including how they determine value, what risk means to the purchase price, features that can add or reduce the price, and practical, real world advice for sellers and other prospective buyers. Panelists currently include Lance Crosby of SoftLayer, Joe Bardenheier of Endurance International, Ditlev Brehdahl of OnApp/UK2, Hillary Stiff of Cheval Capital and more!

HostingCon 2011 Speaker: Join Me There!