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i2Coalition Panel: Privacy & Privacy Shield

The i2Coalition recently hosted a panel on Capitol Hill regarding the critical and impending issues of Privacy legislation in the US and the EU-US Privacy Shield. This was the third of three panels i2Coalition co-hosted with the European eco Association and included senior staffers from Congress, key i2Coalition members, Board Chair of the eco Association, and moderated by our own Frank Stiff, President of Cheval Capital and Board Chair of the i2Coalition. Watch the full video and learn more on the i2Coalition's website.

Key takeaway: Congress is moving toward enacting Privacy legislation that would have far reaching implications for US business, international trade and existing privacy laws such as California’s new privacy law (CCPA) and GDPR. See panel video 29:30 – 36:00 for an overview of what is driving the legislation and where things stand today.

Key takeaway: The EU-US Privacy Shield is a consensual, long-term data protection regime and is a requirement for any business model in which personal data is stored and processed across borders. Without Privacy Shield, it would be illegal to transfer personal data from the EU to the US, crippling Internet services trade between EU and the US. See 10:00 for an overview of Key Privacy Shield Issues Today.

Key takeaway: See 20:00 for two views on why privacy laws are different between the US & EU.

Key takeaway: See 44:30 for the lessons learned from GDPR after a year.

Cheval Capital

Disclaimer: This post is for general information purposes and is not meant to be taken as financial advice, a recommendation to buy or sell the stocks mentioned above, a comprehensive discussion of valuation or how to do the calculations discussed. Please be sure to consult your financial advisors when valuing your company, considering the sale of your business or making other financial decisions.

Author: Hillary Stiff is Managing Director of Cheval Capital. She has been an investment banker and CFO, completing M&A transactions and arranging financing for a number of companies including The Endurance International Group and Web.Com among many others. She has helped complete over 450 successful web hosting, ISP and related transactions and distributes a list of hosting and related companies that are for sale.